Student Solution


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Project Analysis #2

Project Analysis

Q This might seem as a simple assignment but it is one of the most important features of the Bible and one of the most overlooked. Bible writers use this tool to get the meaning of the text across but we often overlook this feature of the text or disregard it is “bad writing.” It is not “bad writing,” in fact it is exactly the opposite. It is a sign of a good writing style for the Bible writer. The feature in question is repetition. Repetition in the bible acts as bold letters, underlining or highlighting today. If you see words that are repeated it is not because the author couldn't come up with a more interesting way of telling the story but because he wanted you, the reader, to notice those words and not overlook them. The repetition is there for a reason! 1. List any repetitions you see in the text. This can include repetitions of words/actions/scenes. These repetitions will guide you through the story and often point you to some sort of a structure. 1. What is significant about these repetitions? Example: (taken from the story of Jesus healing the blind man) REPETITION OF A WORD: “to see” Man cannot see and comes to Jesus to be healed Pharisees see and come to Jesus to attack him Man is healed and sees Pharisees leave spiritually blind Jesus calls people “to see” Significance: Questions that comes out of the repetition: Do you see? Why are you coming to Jesus? Are you coming to see or to become blind? Questions you need to answer and submit to LearningHub: 1. Provide a list of all the words/scenes that are repeated in the text. 2. Choose two to three words/scenes and give their significance. Why do they repeat? Why would author want to point this word by repeating it?

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beat, killed, parable. 2. The significance of the repetition of the word “beat” is that the crudity in the hearts of the human beings to usurp things of others had been highlighted. Moreover, the loss of love for other human beings had also been evident. In case of the repetition of the word “killed”, the crudity in the hearts of the human beings has been emphasized. This is because there is no shame/guilt before committing the act of murder. The author wanted the readers to understand that beating and killing for an appropriate reason had not been actions of the kingdom of God.